Flight Number: AVA2533 Duration: 4:45
Departure: Reno Tahoe Intl Airport (KRNO) at 17:45 Distance: 2092.09 Nm
Arrival: New York John F. Kennedy (KJFK) at 22:30 Equipment: B757-200

Weather Information
RENO/TAHOE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, NV, United States (KRNO) 39-29N 119-46W 1342M Dec 14, 2024 - 02:55 PM EST / 2024.12.14 1955 UTC
Wind: from the S (180 degrees) at 10 MPH (9 KT):0
Visibility: 1 1/2 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: overcast Weather: light rain, snow; mist Precipitation last hour: 0.04 inches Temperature: 34.0 F (1.1 C)
Windchill: 26 F (-3 C):1 Dew Point: 33.1 F (0.6 C) Relative Humidity: 96% Pressure (altimeter): 29.79 in. Hg (1008 hPa)
ob: KRNO 141955Z 18009KT 1 1/2SM -RASN BR SCT005 OVC012 01/01 A2979 RMK AO2 PK WND 18033/1856 RAB18SNB26 SLP082 P0004 T00110006 cycle: 20
Sunrise: 15:15 Sunset: 00:32 (UTC)

KENNEDY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT , NY, United States (KJFK) 40-38N 073-46W 9M Dec 14, 2024 - 02:51 PM EST / 2024.12.14 1951 UTC
Wind: from the ENE (060 degrees) at 5 MPH (4 KT):0
Visibility: 10 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: mostly clear Temperature: 36.0 F (2.2 C) Dew Point: 12.0 F (-11.1 C) Relative Humidity: 36% Pressure (altimeter): 30.9 in. Hg (1046 hPa)
ob: KJFK 141951Z 06004KT 10SM FEW050 FEW250 02/M11 A3090 RMK AO2 SLP464 T00221111 cycle: 20
Sunrise: 12:15 Sunset: 21:25 (UTC)

TAF:2024/12/14 18:37 TAF KJFK 141732Z 1418/1524 03008KT P6SM SKC FM150600 06006KT P6SM FEW030 SCT250 FM151800 10008KT P6SM SCT030 BKN200 TEMPO 1520/1524 BKN030 BKN200

This route has never been flown.

Route map