Flight Number: AVA2536 Duration: 3:30
Departure: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta (KATL) at 13:45 Distance: 1421.39 Nm
Arrival: San Jose Intl Airport (MROC) at 17:15 Equipment: B757-200

Weather Information
HARTSFIELD-JACKSON ATLANTA, GA, United States (KATL) 33-39N 84-26W Nov 13, 2024 - 02:52 AM EST / 2024.11.13 0752 UTC
Wind: from the E (090 degrees) at 13 MPH (11 KT):0
Visibility: 10 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: clear Temperature: 57.0 F (13.9 C) Dew Point: 48.0 F (8.9 C) Relative Humidity: 71% Pressure (altimeter): 30.19 in. Hg (1022 hPa)
ob: KATL 130752Z 09011KT 10SM CLR 14/09 A3019 RMK AO2 SLP217 T01390089 cycle: 8
Sunrise: 12:11 Sunset: 22:32 (UTC)

Juan Santamaria, Costa Rica (MROC) 10-00N 084-13W 939M Nov 13, 2024 - 03:00 AM EST / 2024.11.13 0800 UTC
Wind: from the NNW (330 degrees) at 3 MPH (3 KT):0
Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: overcast Temperature: 69 F (21 C) Dew Point: 68 F (20 C) Relative Humidity: 94% Pressure (altimeter): 29.96 in. Hg (1014 hPa)
ob: MROC 130800Z 33003KT 9999 OVC010 21/20 A2996 NOSIG cycle: 8
Sunrise: 11:33 Sunset: 23:09 (UTC)

TAF:2024/11/13 06:33 TAF MROC 130530Z 1306/1406 26005KT 9999 BKN030 TX25/1317Z TN19/1311Z TEMPO 1309/1315 09005KT 5000 BR BKN015 TEMPO 1318/1324 5000 RA BR BKN010

Previous Pireps for this route
Date Flightnr Aircraft Flight time Fuel used Landing rate On time
(pireps marked green are flown by you)

Route map