Flight Number: AVA1514 Duration: 8:45
Departure: Moscow Sheremetyevo (UUEE) at 22:00 Distance: 3462.82 Nm
Arrival: Vladivostok Knevichi (UHWW) at 06:45 Equipment: B747

Weather Information
Moscow / Sheremet'Ye , Russia (UUEE) 55-59N 037-30E Dec 14, 2024 - 02:44 PM EST / 2024.12.14 1944 UTC
Wind: from the S (190 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 KT):0
Visibility: less than 1 mile:0
Sky conditions: overcast Weather: snow; Cumulonimbus clouds observed Temperature: 23 F (-5 C)
Windchill: 14 F (-10 C):1 Dew Point: 21 F (-6 C) Relative Humidity: 92% Pressure (altimeter): 29.65 in. Hg (1004 hPa)
ob: UUEE 141944Z 19004MPS 1300 1000NE R24L/P2000N R24C/2000N SN SCT010 OVC023 M05/M06 Q1004 R24L/490526 R24C/490526 TEMPO 0800 +SHSN BKN006 BKN016CB cycle: 19
Sunrise: 06:00 Sunset: 12:49 (UTC)

Vladivostok, Russia (UHWW) 43-07N 131-56E 183M Dec 14, 2024 - 02:30 PM EST / 2024.12.14 1930 UTC
Wind: from the NNE (020 degrees) at 2 MPH (2 KT):0
Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Temperature: 15 F (-9 C) Dew Point: 8 F (-13 C) Relative Humidity: 72% Pressure (altimeter): 29.83 in. Hg (1010 hPa)
ob: UHWW 141930Z 02001MPS 9999 NSC M09/M13 Q1010 R07R/0///70 NOSIG RMK QFE757 cycle: 19
Sunrise: 22:40 Sunset: 07:32 (UTC)

TAF:2024/12/14 18:21 TAF UHWW 141700Z 1418/1518 27003G08MPS 6000 -SHSN BKN020CB FM150000 32003G09MPS 9999 BKN025CB TEMPO 1500/1515 34007G14MPS

This route has never been flown.

Route map