Flight Briefing

For flight AVA4077 from Seoul  Intl Airport to Chung-cheng

Step 1: Review basic flight data
Departure from Seoul  Intl Airport (RKSS): 15:30
Arrival in Chung-cheng (RCTP): 17:30
Equipment A321
Distance / time 802.201 Nm / 2h00m
Step 2: Fuel consumption & weights
Operating empty weight 107000lb
Load 36080lb
Zero-fuel weight 143080lb
Trip fuel (2:15 hours) 13078lb
Reserves (1:00 hours) 5829lb
Take-off fuel (3:15 hours) 18907lb
Take-off weight 198067lb
Estimated Landing weight 184989lb
For more fuel calculation click here
Step 3: Weather Briefing
Seoul / Kimp'O International Airport, Korea, South (RKSS) 37-33N 126-48E 18M Apr 20, 2024 - 08:00 AM EDT / 2024.04.20 1200 UTC
Wind: from the ENE (060 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 KT) (direction variable):0
Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: overcast Weather: light rain Temperature: 57 F (14 C) Dew Point: 53 F (12 C) Relative Humidity: 87% Pressure (altimeter): 29.83 in. Hg (1010 hPa)
ob: RKSS 201200Z 06008KT 010V100 9999 -RA FEW015 BKN035 OVC070 14/12 Q1010 NOSIG cycle: 12
Sunrise: 20:53
Sunset: 10:10
Chiang Kai Shek, Taiwan (RCTP) 25-05N 121-13E Apr 20, 2024 - 08:00 AM EDT / 2024.04.20 1200 UTC
Wind: from the WSW (250 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 KT):0
Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: partly cloudy Temperature: 78 F (26 C) Dew Point: 75 F (24 C) Relative Humidity: 88% Pressure (altimeter): 29.83 in. Hg (1010 hPa)
ob: RCTP 201200Z 25008KT 9999 FEW015 SCT040 26/24 Q1010 NOSIG RMK A2984 cycle: 12
Sunrise: 21:30
Sunset: 10:17
Step 4: Airport charts / NAV data
For RKSS airport chart click here For RCTP airport chart click here
Step 5: Plan your route
Step 7: Enjoy your flight!